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So far Bill Millios has created 173 blog entries.

The Legacy of Eliza Taylor

Region VI Interpreter Education Program (1999). The Legacy of Eliza Taylor [Videotape].
Little Rock, AR: University of Little Rock Arkansas.

This project was co-sponsored with UALR who produced and disseminated the videotape.

2022-01-27T15:19:41-06:00October 30th, 2017|

Mexican American and Mexican National Deaf Language Samples Tape 2

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mexican American and Mexican National Deaf Language Samples Tape 2 [Videotape]. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT: 47.00) Lenguaje de Señas Mexicano LSM Samples)

This videotape is the life experiences of Francisco Alvarez and Beatrice Zuniga who are LSM users and code-switching in English. No translation is provided. [Videotape]. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. Mexican Sign […]

2022-01-27T17:42:46-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mexican Geographical Signs

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mexican Geographical Signs with Victor Manuel Palma, LSM Language model. [Videotape]. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT: 12.30)

Mexican Sign Language -Lenguaje de Señas Mexicano LSM signs only. This is a signed demonstration of the states and capitol cities of Mexico. A listing of the states and capitols is provided.

This video was developed as part of […]

2022-01-28T09:07:23-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Mexican American and Mexican National Deaf Language Samples Tape 1

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mexican American and Mexican National Deaf Language Samples T

ape 1 [Videotape]. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT: 37:00) ASL only Language Samples.

These are biographical anecdotes divided into shorter narrative segments from a Mexican National and Mexican American experience. Segments included are:

  • “Interpreting in the Family” by Pauline Arroyos (TRT 8.15)
  • “Why I Became […]
2022-01-31T13:17:23-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Cultural & Linguistic Diversity Series: Multicultural Interpreting Assignments

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Cultural & Linguistic Diversity Series: Multicultural Interpreting Assignments [Videotape] . El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT: 39.13) Mixed Spoken and Signed Language Samples.

This videotape is designed to provide some brief samples of potential interpreting assignments and consumers. It is meant to stimulate discussion of the diversity of assignments that both coodinators of interpreting services and sign language interpreters encounter. There are 13 […]

2022-02-14T16:34:52-06:00October 27th, 2017|

NMIP Recruitment Video

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). NMIP Recruitment Videotape [Videotape] . El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT: 06.14 spoken English/ASL interpretation)

This is a sample recruitment videotape that depicts a need for diversity within the profession. It can be used as a promotional tool. A student recruitment manual and sample recruitment brochure are also available. Jeff Bowden is featured in the interpreted ASL translation.

This video was developed […]

2022-01-31T13:20:54-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Compassionate Medicine of the People

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). An Interview with Elena Avila, R.N., M.S.N, Curandera: Compassionate Medicine of the People English with some code-switching and Spanish terminology. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT 32.00) Spoken English with Open Captions.

This presentation is an insight into the important relationship of world and cultural views with mental health and medical practices. The lecture provides valuable information on Curanderismo and some views on […]

2022-01-31T13:22:35-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Mexico’s Development of Sign Language Interpretation: A Trilingual Discussion

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Mexico’s Development of Sign Language Interpretation: A Trilingual Discussion in English/LSM/Spanish by Sergio Pena “Sign Language Interpreting Issues in Mexico” – Sergio Pena, Presenter [Videotape]. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT 00:30 English version with open captions; Spanish version; and LSM “Mexican Sign Language” version.

This presentation is designed to provide some access to issues within our international interpreting […]

2022-01-31T13:24:37-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Mexican American Deaf : Interpreting Issues in Mental Health Settings

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Mexican American Deaf: Interpreting Issues in Mental Health Settings [Videotape]. Santa Fe, New Mexico. Santa Fe Community College and El Paso Community College. (TRT 33.00) English/Spanish/Lenguaje de Signos de Mexic with Open English Captions)

This videotape was designed to provide mental health professionals and sign language interpreters information on providing services in multilingual and multicultural contexts. It uses a narration and vignettes to demonstrate some […]

2022-02-02T08:45:58-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Lectures: Martin Hiraga, Presenter

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Lectures: Martin Hiraga, Presenter Segment One: Asian Religious Paths TRT 16.03 Segment Two: HIV Outreach Project TRT 18.22 [Videotape]. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. Spoken English.

The lecture material was designed to be stimulus material for interpreting practice. The two segments can be used for English text analysis; ASL Interpreting practice both consecutive and simultaneous, and for building […]

2022-02-02T09:06:30-06:00October 27th, 2017|
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