How to be a better interpreter

The signer explains perspectives on how to be a better interpreter.

A translation/summary is available below in English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL. They are not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

A white CATIE Center logo is in the lower right corner of the screen. The woman narrates the entire video in […]

2022-01-19T19:44:35-06:00June 10th, 2020|

Fingerspelled Word Recognition: Coffee

This clip runs from 1:30 (beginning of the video) to 2:29. Watch the entire clip and then create an interpretation.
If you wish to re-watch it, you need to re-fresh the page or manually move it back to the beginning of the clip.

Once you are done with this clip, close the window and click the next number.
This clip […]

2022-01-19T19:42:33-06:00April 7th, 2020|

Self-Care: Self-Empowerment

Jessalyn explains a process for self-empowerment as a way for self-care.

A translation is available below in English. It is designed as a resource for working with the text in ASL. It is not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

A white woman with blonde hair pulled back wears a black shirt and sits in front of a grey screen. […]

2022-01-19T19:39:40-06:00March 24th, 2020|

Self-Care: Grounding

Jessalyn explains a process for grounding as a way for self-care.

A translation is available below in English. It is designed as a resource for working with the text in ASL. It is not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

A white woman with blonde hair pulled back wears a black shirt and sits in front of a grey screen. […]

2022-01-19T19:40:18-06:00March 24th, 2020|

Self-Care: Guided Visualization and Meditation

Jessalyn explains a process for using breathing as a way for self-care.

A translation is available below in English. It is designed as a resource for working with the text in ASL. It is not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

A white woman with blonde hair pulled back wears a black shirt and sits in front of a grey […]

2022-01-19T19:40:59-06:00March 24th, 2020|

Self-Care: Breathing Exercises

Jessalyn explains a process for using breathing as a way for self-care.

A Translation is available below in English. It is designed as a resource for working with the text in ASL. It is not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

A white woman with blonde hair pulled back wears a black shirt and sits in front of a grey […]

2022-01-19T19:41:34-06:00March 24th, 2020|

Analyzing “Science News in ASL: Ball Lightning”

  • 0:28 – a storm brewing
  • 0:37 – driving a vehicle
  • 0:40 – a vehicle traveling
  • 0:43 – driving a vehicle
  • 0:46 – the sun setting
  • 0:48 – lightning striking
  • 0:49 – driving a vehicle
  • 0:50 – a hilly field of cattle
  • 0:56 – driving a vehicle
  • 0:57 – looking in the distance
  • 0:59 – an object (the ball lightning) floating in the air
  • 1:01 – driving a vehicle
  • […]

2022-02-14T16:45:34-06:00February 14th, 2020|

How the Pupil Works

In this video, Angela explains how the pupil works. This video is an opportunity to practice two skills:

  1. Practice 3 specific features of ASL (ASL grammar, non-manual markers, and classifiers)
  2. Practice how to identify features using Marty Taylor’s book, Interpretation Skills; English to American Sign Language  (find the link to where to buy the book here)

Image  [...]

2022-01-19T19:45:54-06:00November 30th, 2019|

Free Body Language Course on the Digestive System

Screen shot of home page for module - with images of healthcare lattice, stomach, colon, and digestive systemBody language is a critical skill when it comes to communicating in almost any language.  For novice interpreters, the CATIE Center is excited to offer a GTC Journey Track version of a course designed for you to take your skills to the […]

2022-01-21T11:24:52-06:00October 25th, 2019|

A Talk About Fly Fishing

A white man with curly brown hair and a mustache wearing a blue collared shirt sits in front of a dark blue background. An open cation reads Something like a Disco BarIn this video, Bob Johnson explains about how art, technology, and natural history are combined in his favorite avocation, fly fishing.

To begin, click on Step 1 toggle below.

This video […]

2022-01-21T11:29:13-06:00September 30th, 2019|
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