Analyzing semantic equivalence in “Stacey Abrams Win and Connection to Deaf Community”

English Transcript

Hello, welcome to the Daily Moth! It is Thursday, May 24.
Tuesday was the primary elections for several states, and the spotlight is on Stacey Abrams, who won the Democratic nomination to run against the Republican nominee for state governor in November. Abrams is the first black woman to win a major-party nomination for governor in any […]
2022-01-26T19:42:17-06:00July 13th, 2018|

ASL to English simultaneous interpretation: Oregon flood (1 of 2)

Developed by ASL Flurry

Time Required for Activity:  60-90 mins

Competencies Address: 

    • Semantic equivalence
    • Comprehension:  ASL lexicon
    • Comprehension: ASL discourse
    • Production: English lexicon


Learners will:

  1. Demonstrate effective preparation procedures for an ASL to English interpreting assignment
  2. Interpret fingerspelling accurately
  3. Interpret spatial relationships […]
2022-01-26T19:48:47-06:00July 12th, 2018|

Consecutive Interpretation for “How sugar affects the brain”

Developed by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed: Specialized knowledge and other

Time Required for Activity: 30 mins


To learn about specialized knowledge (brain chemistry) and how to do prepare for such work ahead of time.

In this video, neuroscientist Dr. Nicole Avena explains how sugar affects the human brain.



You will interpret a video in which Dr. Avena explains how sugar affects […]

2022-02-14T16:41:05-06:00July 12th, 2018|

Compare ASL and English equivalency from Gallaudet’s TEDx Talk on Fallacy

Translator: Thomas Horejes Reviewer: Denise RQ

[The interpretation provided for this presentation is live and unrehearsed. Interpreter(s) assigned may or may not have had materials in advance for preparation. Inaccuracies related to the content of the material may be due to imperfections in the interpreting process. This interpretation has not been reviewed by the presenter.]

Hello again. The topic I would like to discuss today is this notion that deaf people […]

2022-01-27T13:50:28-06:00July 9th, 2018|

Learning about prediction skills in “The Mask You Live In”

Developed by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed: Prediction, Cultural Competency

Time Required for Activity: 15 mins


To consider the possible English translations of a number of signs in an ASL text.

In this video, AJ Williams provides an update about a community screening of “The Mask You Live In.”


 You will watch a video in which AJ Williams provides an update […]

2022-01-27T14:56:08-06:00March 28th, 2018|

Learning about Comprehending Foreign Signers in “Cultural Heritage Vignettes ASL Part II”

Developed by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed: Cultural Competency

Time Required for Activity: 20 mins


To learn about Comprehending Foreign Signers from an ASL text.

In this video, Mr. Hongyu Xu, introduces viewers to the Chinese martial art of Taijiquan.


You will watch a video in which Mr. Hongyu Xu introduces viewers to Taijiquan, also known as Tai Chi. What do you […]

2022-01-27T14:57:56-06:00March 28th, 2018|

Analyzing “Leader VS Activist”

  • 0:06 – THROW-something
    • I would like to share my opinion about…
    • This is just my two cents.
    • I want to share my thoughts on…
  • 0:56 – ORDER++
    • A person who commands…
    • Someone who gives a lot of orders…
    • Somebody who gives directions to others…
  • 1:07 – INVOLVE
    • Anyone who is involved in a protest.
    • Anyone who participates in a protest.
    • Anyone who becomes part of a protest.
  • 1:44 […]
2022-01-27T15:04:11-06:00March 27th, 2018|

Cooking with Classifiers (Simultaneous)

Image of poached salmon on a plate with dill and white sauce with silverware beside the fishDeveloped by Roberto Santiago

Competencies Addressed:  Depiction in ASL

Time Required for Activity: 40-60 mins

Approach: Simultaneous Interpreting


To determine and incorporate locative, descriptive and instrument classifiers in simultaneous interpreting.

In this activity, you will practice interpreting a procedural text explaining how to cook poached salmon. 

2022-01-27T15:11:35-06:00March 22nd, 2018|

Learning about ASL semantics in “Wrong signs in ASL”

Developed by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed:  ASL semantics

Time Required for Activity: 15 mins

Objective: To identify the ASL semantics of three signs and how they might influence interpreting work.

In this video, Dr. Byron Bridges discusses three ‘wrong’ ASL signs. He urges adults who work with deaf children to help ensure children do not use these signs.


You will watch a video in which […]

2022-02-02T09:45:50-06:00September 22nd, 2017|

Becoming a Citizen – Translation

In this video, Julio shares his experience of immigrating to the United States from Guatemala and going through the process of getting his green card and then becoming a citizen.


  • to identify the main ideas in an ASL text;
  • to create an accurate English translation of an ASL text.


This activity will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Directions for Practice:

You will do […]

2022-02-02T09:51:21-06:00March 20th, 2017|
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