Learning about Message Coherence in “Riddle_Short bio”

Developed by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed: Message Coherence

Time Required for Activity: 15 mins

Objective: To learn about message coherence from an ASL text.

In this short video, Ms. Wanda Riddle, an American Sign Language researcher and educator, introduces herself.


You will watch a video in which Ms. Wanda Riddle, a faculty member in the Department of American Sign Language […]

2022-01-27T15:02:32-06:00March 27th, 2018|

Analyzing “Leader VS Activist”

  • 0:06 – THROW-something
    • I would like to share my opinion about…
    • This is just my two cents.
    • I want to share my thoughts on…
  • 0:56 – ORDER++
    • A person who commands…
    • Someone who gives a lot of orders…
    • Somebody who gives directions to others…
  • 1:07 – INVOLVE
    • Anyone who is involved in a protest.
    • Anyone who participates in a protest.
    • Anyone who becomes part of a protest.
  • 1:44 […]
2022-01-27T15:04:11-06:00March 27th, 2018|

Cooking with Classifiers (Language)

Image of poached salmon on a plate with dill and white sauce with silverware beside the fishOriginally developed by Roberto Santiago

Competencies Addressed:  Depiction in ASL

Time Required for Activity: 40-60 mins

Approach:  Language focus

Objective:  To determine and incorporate locative, descriptive and instrument classifiers in ASL.

In this activity, you will practice explaining how to cook poached salmon in ASL. 

This […]

2022-01-27T15:11:07-06:00March 22nd, 2018|

Understanding Language Register in English

Definition Examples
This style of communication rarely or never changes and thus is ‘frozen’ in time and content. Wedding vows, Miranda rights, Lord’s Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, historical speeches
Definition Examples
This language is used in formal settings and is one-way in nature. This use of language usually follows a commonly accepted format. It is usually impersonal and formal. Speeches, school lessons, sermons, announcements
Definition Examples
This is a standard form of […]
2022-02-14T16:40:11-06:00December 20th, 2017|

Learning about Cultural Competency and Formal Register in ASL in “Gallaudet SBG’s Open Letter to Alexander Graham Bell Association”

SBG Open letter to AGBDeveloped by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed:  Cultural Comptency, Register, ASL lexicon

Time Required for Activity: 15 mins


To learn about cultural competency and formal register use in ASL by watching an ASL text.

In this video, student leaders of the Gallaudet University Student Body Government (SBG) offer an open letter to the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the […]

2022-01-27T15:12:42-06:00November 1st, 2017|

Practice Discourse Mapping “What’s The Best Age To Learn A Second Language?”

Best way to learn a second language videoDeveloped by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed:  Message Coherence

Time Required for Activity: 30 mins

Objective:  To improve message coherence when interpreting a fast and challenging English text into American Sign Language.

In this video, Dr. Sapna Parikh discusses the process of language acquisition, focusing on second language acquisition for children and adults.

The activity in this […]

2022-01-27T15:14:07-06:00November 1st, 2017|

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mexican Geographical Signs

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mexican Geographical Signs with Victor Manuel Palma, LSM Language model. [Videotape]. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT: 12.30)

Mexican Sign Language -Lenguaje de Señas Mexicano LSM signs only. This is a signed demonstration of the states and capitol cities of Mexico. A listing of the states and capitols is provided.

This video was developed as part of […]

2022-01-28T09:07:23-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Mexican American and Mexican National Deaf Language Samples Tape 1

National Multicultural Interpreter Project (2000). Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Series: Mexican American and Mexican National Deaf Language Samples T

ape 1 [Videotape]. El Paso, TX: El Paso Community College. (TRT: 37:00) ASL only Language Samples.

These are biographical anecdotes divided into shorter narrative segments from a Mexican National and Mexican American experience. Segments included are:

  • “Interpreting in the Family” by Pauline Arroyos (TRT 8.15)
  • “Why I Became […]
2022-01-31T13:17:23-06:00October 27th, 2017|

Learning about depiction in ASL in “Neil deGrasse Tyson: Want Scientifically Literate Children?” – Re-telling

Developed by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed:  Depiction in ASL

Time Required for Activity: 20 mins

Objective: To practice production of depiction when interpreting in ASL (specifically roleshift/constructed action & dialogue)

In this video, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson shares his ideas about how to help children become scientifically literate. In his short explanation, Dr. Tyson describes a number of ideas which may evoke rich […]

2022-02-02T09:38:27-06:00October 4th, 2017|

Learning about ASL semantics in “Wrong signs in ASL”

Developed by Mark Halley

Competencies Addressed:  ASL semantics

Time Required for Activity: 15 mins

Objective: To identify the ASL semantics of three signs and how they might influence interpreting work.

In this video, Dr. Byron Bridges discusses three ‘wrong’ ASL signs. He urges adults who work with deaf children to help ensure children do not use these signs.


You will watch a video in which […]

2022-02-02T09:45:50-06:00September 22nd, 2017|
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