How to save money when traveling/Cómo ahorrar dinero para viajar

Niko shares advice on how to save money when traveling.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL. They are not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

An Asian man with glasses wears a white shirt with a colorful map on it. He is standing in front […]

2022-01-23T19:43:58-06:00December 10th, 2018|

A Greek Cruise/Crucero

Irene shares her memory of a cruise to a Greek island.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL. They are not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

Visual Description: Old white woman is wearing blue and white stripped blouse and is shown from the waist up. […]

2022-01-23T19:44:17-06:00December 10th, 2018|

Pros & Cons of Free College Tuition/Los pros y los contra de cursos universitarios gratuitos

Ebonee talks why we should have a free tuition for the higher education.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL. They are not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

African American woman wearing horn rimmed glasses and maroon colored short-sleeve shirt that reads “Never tickle a […]

2022-01-23T19:44:40-06:00December 10th, 2018|

Go night swimming/La importancia de saber nadar

Diane explains the importance of trying night swimming to find peace in a chaotic world.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL. They are not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

Light skinned woman wearing colored dye short-sleeve shirt that has Newport printed on it and […]

2022-01-23T19:45:17-06:00December 6th, 2018|

Considering University financing/Consideración del costo para ir a la universidad

Denise talks about the declining numbers of Deaf applicants to colleges.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL.

Visual Description

A white woman with hat and glasses wearing white tank top and is shown from the waist up. She is standing in front of a dark-grey screen. A white CATIE Center logo […]

2022-01-23T19:46:39-06:00December 5th, 2018|

Don’t drop out of college/No dejes la universidad

Cookie provides some reasons why you shouldn’t drop out of college.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL.

Visual Description

African American woman wearing red mid length sleeve shirt and is shown from the waist up. She is standing in front of a dark-grey screen. A white CATIE Center logo is in […]

2022-01-23T19:48:03-06:00December 5th, 2018|

Considerations before adopting a pet/Tres puntos que considerar antes de adoptar una mascota

Cicely talks about three things to consider before adopting a pet.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL.

Visual Description

Light skinned woman wearing orange short-sleeve shirt is shown from the waist up. She is standing in front of a dark-grey screen. A white CATIE Center logo is in the lower right […]

2022-01-23T19:48:22-06:00December 5th, 2018|

Families should learn ASL/Las familias deberían aprender la lengua de señas estadounidense

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL.

Visual Description

A white non-binary person wears red baggy short-sleeve shirt and is shown from the waist up. The person is standing in front of a dark-grey screen. A white CATIE Center logo is in the lower right corner of the screen. The person […]

2022-01-23T19:48:44-06:00December 5th, 2018|
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