Interpreting in VR Settings: Setting a Vocational Goal
Scenario Synopsis
This series of videos that captures a vocational […]
Developed by Doug Bowen-Bailey
Competencies Addressed: Discourse mapping; Comprehension: ASL discourse
Time Required for Activity: 40 mins
To create a discourse map of a video text explaining about one person’s experiences working with interpreters.
In this video, Nyla explains her various experiences working with interpreters.
Developed by Mark Halley
Competencies Addressed: Discourse mapping; Comprehension: English discourse
Time Required for Activity: 60 mins
To create a discourse map of a video text explaining how to clean and cook with cast iron skillets.
In this video, a narrator from YouTube cooking channel Tasty explains how to clean and cook with cast iron skillets.
The activity in this post is based on:
Winston, E.A. & Monikowski, C.M. “Discourse Mapping: Developing Textual Coherence […]