Practicing Translation

Link to YouTube videos:

Discussion Partners: Naomi Sheneman, Jeremy Quiroga, Erin Sanders-Sigmon, Felicia Williams, Ritchie Bryant, and Jay Krieger

Video Description

These videos include explanations […]

2022-12-22T15:30:06-06:00October 24th, 2022|

Pro-tactile Conversation

Link to YouTube version:
Part 1:
Time: 38:46

Second video is identical, with the addition of Jerrin George: https://www.yout.beDf-RdMDQa40
Time: 38:45

Discussion Partners: John Lee Clark and Jayme Taylor

Video Description

John Lee Clark and Jayme Taylor have a conversation about protactile (PT) language in PT. While PT is a language that is designed to be felt, this visual representation of it provides some insight to what it is […]

2022-12-22T14:57:20-06:00October 24th, 2022|
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