In this video, Angela explains how the pupil works. This video is an opportunity to practice two skills:

  1. Practice 3 specific features of ASL (ASL grammar, non-manual markers, and classifiers)
  2. Practice how to identify features using Marty Taylor’s book, Interpretation Skills; English to American Sign Language  (find the link to where to buy the book here)

Image result for interpretation skills english to asl Click on Preparation to Begin

To begin identifying and incorporating these skills into your work, click on Step 1 toggle below.

In preparation, watch these two videos on how the pupils dilate and how camera lenses work: 

Now, practice how you would sign the following:

  • pupils dilating 
  • camera lenses zooming in/zooming out 
  • holding and handling a camera (adjusting lens, etc)

Watch the video in its entirety for a basic understanding of the video. When finished, try explaining how the pupil works in ASL. 

When you are finished, click on the features (NMM, Classifiers, and Grammar)  below to identify examples of each feature throughout the video. 

NonManual Markers (NMM)

Notice how Angela does the following:

  • How does Angela show that she is in a dark room? 
  • How does Angela show that her eye pupils dilate?
  • How does Angela show that pupils get smaller? 
  • How does Angela show that is it dark? 
  • How does Angela show that is is VERY dark? 
  • How does Angela show the drawing into the infrared?

Below, find the clips of Angela demonstrating these NMMs in her video (copy signing what you see is highly recommended):


Notice how Angela does the following:

  • How does she show the eyes wanting more light?
  • How does she show that the eye pupils get smaller?
  • How does she show the camera lens adjusting?
  • How does she show that the camera needs more light?
  • How does she show the flash?
  • How does she show the infrared camera?
  • How does she explain that people can be seen moving or walking by in the dark through infrared?
  • How does she indicate drawing into the infrared?

Below, find the clips of Angela demonstrating these classifiers in her video (copy signing what you see is highly recommended):


Notice how Angela does the following:

  • How does she explain the reason why the eye needs light?
  • What feature does she use when she squints her eyes and raises her eyebrows when she’s talking about the strong sun?
  • What feature is ‘DO-DO’?
  • What is she doing when she says ‘NOT NEED LIGHT’?
  • What feature is ‘STILL LIGHT’?

Below, find the clips of Angela demonstrating these grammatical features in her video (copy signing what you see is highly recommended):

Now that you have identified and copy signed examples of the NMMs, classifiers, and grammatical features Angela used throughout her video, it’s your turn!

Find a recording device and record a retelling of “How the Pupil Works” in ASL, incorporating the features you just learned about.

Compare your re-telling to the original video.