Understanding and Reducing Horizontal Violence

An explanation of Horizontal Violence and how it can be avoided.

Naomi Sheneman, a white woman with dark brown hair wearing a black long sleeve shirt, stands in front of a grey background.  The CATIE Center logo is in the right lower hand corner of the video.
A sample debrief showing how dialogue about interpreting work can avoid […]

2022-12-22T15:33:40-06:00June 19th, 2019|

Telling the Same Passage in Different Ways

Practice your ability to convey the same information in different ways.

Jenny Smith, a tall white woman with long red hair wearing a black long sleeve shirt, stands in front of a grey background.  The CATIE Center logo is in the right lower hand corner of the video.

2022-01-23T16:34:28-06:00June 17th, 2019|

View “The Daily Moth”

The words Extralinguistic Knowledge written over a Graphic of an open book with a dog standing on page that is covered in grass and has a road on it.

Keep up with current events the U.S. and within deaf communities by watching The Deaf Moth.

From its web site’s “About Us” page:

The Daily Moth delivers news in video using American Sign […]

2022-01-23T16:49:48-06:00April 8th, 2019|

Life Kit: Get Out of Debt

4 stacks of quarters getting progressively taller moving to the right with a jar of coins on far right. A small plant is growing out of the top of each stack and jar.

This post has a link for three episodes on exercise from Life Kit, a series by National Public Radio.  NPR describes the series this way:

Tools to […]

2022-01-23T16:55:21-06:00March 28th, 2019|

Check Your Implicit Bias

The words Extralinguistic Knowledge written over a Graphic of an open book with a dog standing on page that is covered in grass and has a road on it. Build your extralinguistic knowledge by learning more about implicit bias.


To learn about implicit bias and understand how it affects you.

Time Required for Activity: 15 minutes


Interpreters will:

2022-01-23T16:56:59-06:00March 28th, 2019|

Learn about Deafhood

The words Extralinguistic Knowledge written over a Graphic of an open book with a dog standing on page that is covered in grass and has a road on it.

Build your extralinguistic knowledge by learning more about Deafhood.

This post provides you with a series of videos from Paddy Ladd, the author of “Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood.”


2022-01-23T16:59:23-06:00March 28th, 2019|

Practicing Constructed Action through Construction Tips

View looks up through steel girders of a building under construction to blue sky

Practice your use of constructed action and classifiers in this activity. Lurendran explains some tips for lifting heavy objects he learned while working construction.

You will start with a written summary of his text, create an ASL version of that, then view his original text and incorporate his descriptions […]

2022-01-23T17:01:45-06:00March 26th, 2019|

Life Kit: Learn to Love Exercise

A pair of red roller skates on a grey wooden porch

This post has a link for three episodes on exercise from Life Kit, a series by National Public Radio.  NPR describes the series this way:

Tools to help you get it together.

NPR’s family of podcasts for navigating your life — everything from your finances to diet and […]

2022-01-23T17:06:56-06:00March 25th, 2019|

Deaf Julia Childs

by Anne Marie Baer

An English interpretation is included with the video.  If you wish to not hear the interpretation, please mute the video.

A transcription of that interpretation is available below in  English.

These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL. They are not intended to represent a definitive way to translate or interpret the text.

Visual Description

A white woman with brown […]

2022-01-23T17:12:55-06:00March 21st, 2019|

Mac or PC?/¿Mac o PC?

Samond compares and contrasts the benefits of choosing a Mac or Windows-based PC for your computing needs.

Translations/summaries are available below in both Spanish and English. These are designed as resources for working with the text in ASL. They are not intended to represent a definitive way to translate the text.

Visual Description

An Asian-American man wearing glasses and a black polo short-sleeve shirt is shown […]

2022-01-23T19:40:10-06:00March 19th, 2019|
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