ASL Version of Description

In supporting participants in the GTC cohort, the CATIE Center created weekly activities which included those focused on building novice interpreters’ ability to maintain composure during interpreting as well as to be more reflective in their practice.  This module is a collection of those activities that can be incorporated into other learning experiences.  

This module includes five sections;

  • Self Care and Resiliency,
  • Reflections and Resources for Effective Mentoring Relationships,
  • Peer Dialogue,
  • Stimulated Recall,
  • and Interpreting Assessments.

The CATIE Center created a number of activities focused on maintaining composure during interpreter and self-care, along with other reflective activities for preparing for mentoring relationships. We have packaged all of these activities in one course.  These activities can be incorporated into other learning experiences, such as workshops or interpreter education courses.  

This module includes five sections;

  • Self Care and Resiliency,
  • Reflections and Resources for Effective Mentoring Relationships,
  • Peer Dialogue,
  • Stimulated Recall,
  • and Interpreting Assessments.

Each of these sections has multiple activities that can be used to support a novice interpreters learning in a variety of settings.