Screen shot of presentation slide on the left half of image and a white woman with brown hair standing on the right part of the imageIn 2012, Dr. Miako Rankin presented on the topic of “Depiction, Blending, and Constructed Action..Oh My!” as part of Gallaudet University Regional Interpreter Education Center’s “ 2012 Online Learning Community.

The lecture is broken up into two segments which you can access below in the toggles.

Course Objectives

  • Introduce concepts from the field of sign language linguistics
    • Identify types and produce examples of:
      • blending
      • depiction
      • constructed action/dialogue
  • Explain how blending enhances ASL production
  • Present new ways of thinking about “classifiers” and “role-shifting”
    • Describe the benefits of a depiction analysis

Visual Description

The three videos are all created using the program which allows showing both a video stream and presentation slides.

In the video stream on the right side of the screen, Miako Rankin stands in front of a tan wall making her presentation.  She is a white woman wearing a brown blouse covered by a brown jacket with long wavy brown hair that goes down past her shoulders on each side.

The slides show up the left side of the screen.

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